Under the authority of local laws, the FLSD is a qualified individual that is in charge of all responses to emergencies within the building. All tenants and occupants, along with visitors, are required to comply with the instructions of the FLSD.

Instructions regarding Shelter-in-Place or Evacuations will be issued by the FLSD if appropriate using the public address system. Additionally, the FLSD will issue instructions regarding the use of elevators, escalators, exiting directions and exit locations during any type of emergency. Compliance with FLSD instructions and directives is mandatory.

Incidents you may encounter at the [Property Name] Retail Complex are defined below.

An "Active Shooter" incident is a serious and life-threatening situation where an armed individual is using a weapon, usually a gun, while attempting to injure and kill people in a confined and populated area. The weapon may also be a knife or any other type of weapon that can injure or harm others. More than one individual may be involved in the attacks and victims are chosen randomly.

This type of incident is a quickly evolving situation and law enforcement responds rapidly and with force to contain the situation when it occurs.

Individual survival during a "Active Shooter" incident depends upon the manner of response and action taken to get away from the location of the incident, or otherwise take steps towards self-protection.

A Fire Alarm SHOULD NEVER be activated during an "Active Shooter" incident because it could place people "at harm" by causing them to think there is a fire and attempt to exit in the area in which the shooting incident is taking place.


The FLSD will provide instructions to [Property Name] Retail Tenants with regard to the location of the "Active Shooter" incident and the building exits or egress points that should be used to evacuate the area. Additional instructions such as: Shelter-in-Place or Evacuation may be issued by the FLSD and should be followed by all employees and customers.

Several follow-up instructions may be issued in rapid succession as the situation evolves and more information is available to the FLSD and [Property Name] staff.

The "Active Shooter" Incident Actions should be followed when this type of incident begins. Familiarize yourself with the RUN-HIDE-FIGHT instructions, and the exits that should be used from your location.

This is a situation where a car or other vehicle, suspected of containing a possible bomb or explosive device, is near the building or storefront. This suspicion may have derived from a notification or threat, or as a precaution based on the suspicion the vehicle may be "out of place" and possibly contain explosives.

Vehicles parked too close to buildings, parked in restricted areas, parked for extended periods of time or in place at odd hours of the day may be suspect. Car or vehicle bombs can be exceedingly destructive and an emergency response, though may not be needed, should be implemented as a precaution to protect life and property.


When a suspected car/vehicle is identified, the FLSD may issue directives with respect to relocation of [Property Name] Retail Store employees and customers to another point within the complex away from the location of the vehicle. This is usually the opposite side of the building/complex, away from the suspected vehicle.

During the interim, the location of the vehicle will be identified, and warnings issued advising occupants not to remain near the area, or that side of the building/complex. Further announcements will follow with additonal instructions. Law Enforcement and First Repsonders will have been contacted and are either in place or enroute to the location.

This type of incident involves protests or demonstrations, peaceful or violent, that consist of a mass demonstration or large crowds. The demonstrations may have been organized in advance or are spontaneous as a result of some other action and can become full-blown civil disturbances requiring a law enforcement response.

Often, the civil disturbance or protest is not confined to one area and may spread into the [Property Name] when a crowd is moving in one or more directions. The incident may also flow into storefronts within proximity of the gathering, during which time, destruction and looting activities may possibly take place.

Civil disturbances or protests typically disrupt normal activities in an area and may block any means of egress or escape from the area for those not involved, thus creating a danger to the life and safety of innocent bystanders.


The FLSD will take actions required to protect the occupants and building within the [Property Name] during a civil disturbance. Announcements may be made regarding an area of the Complex to avoid, or to relocate to another point within the Complex that is, or will be safe, from any possible violent activity taking place as part of the disturbance. Follow the instructions of the FLSD when orders are issued via the public address announcements.

When a fire, or suspected fire, is detected, a "Fire Emergency" should be declared, and numerous actions will be taken to mitigate the situation or activate an emergency response before the fire department arrives.

A fire may be small and contained. A fire may also be a result of some equipment failure that grows rapidly and poses a greater danger. Small fires may possibly be extinguished quickly with hand-held extinguishers. Large fires typically cannot be controlled with hand-held fire extinguishers. In all cases, a fire department response is required to combat the fire and to protect lives and property from damage.


Fires can take place at any point within a building or store and the FLSD and the Fire Emergency Response Team will take immediate actions to determine the exact location and extent of the fire emergency.

If an alarm is sounded, do not immediately evacuate the building. Wait for the FLSD to make an announcement which will provide instructions and directions to your employees and customers with respect to the fire emergency. When instructions are issued pertaining to your work location, take the actions required and follow the FLSD's instructions.

A "Smash & Grab" or "Grab & Run" event is a burglary that involves the grabbing or taking of valuables and making a quick escape or get-away from the targeted retail establishment(s). Stores selling high-end products such as jewelry and clothing are typically the targeted businesses.

In most cases, establishments are entered by groups of people who gather up and grab the valuable merchandise, then quickly leave the property, usually into waiting automobiles parked close by. The group can be comprised of both men and women assembled into large groups of people. Sometimes there are others in the store that initially create distractions, which diverts the employee's attention so the thieves can begin their looting and steal the valuable merchandise.

"Smash & Grab" or "Grab & Run" events can occur during both daylight and evening operating hours. They are quickly evolving events and last for only a brief period of time before the thieves exit the establishment and escape.

Quite often, display cases that contain high-dollar value products are smashed and their contents looted. In other situations, the thieves grab high-end clothing from the display racks in armloads and run to the exits to make their escape. The looting activity begins fast and ends quickly. There are usually vehicles involved wherein the perpetrators escape with the stolen items.

Because these events are quick to start and end within a few minutes, there is usually no immediate preventive action that can be taken to stop the burglary.


Because these incidents start and end so quickly, the FLSD may not have knowledge of the event occurring and therefore an emergency response by the property staff may not be able to be implemented during the incident.

Immediately after the perpetrators have exited the store, immediately call law enforcement at 911, and then contact Building Security. Provide each with information about the incident such as: your location, when, how many, exits used, and any other information you feel will be helpful. Follow the instructions in the Incident Actions for this event.

Whenever a person needs prompt medical attention it is considered a "Medical Emergency" and requires an immediate response. "Medical Emergencies" can result from sustained injuries or medical/health conditions or emergencies. In any case, this is a situation where a person, or persons, need prompt and emergency medical assistance.

In many situations, the need for medical assistance is of an immediate and critical need before First Responders arrive, such as: heart attacks, breathing difficulty or other life-threatening situations when employees or customers become seriously ill.

Upon determining a Medical Emergency exists, immediately call law enforcement at 911, and then contact Building Security. Provide each with information about the incident such as: your location, what has occurred, who needs assistance, and the presumed type of injury or physical emergency, and any other information you feel will be helpful.

Typically, the FLSD does not make announcements during Medical Emergencies, unless the emergency endangers the lives of other Tenants.