If your Store is being looted or robbed

This type of incident begins quickly and without warning, usually involving a large number of thieves or looters. These type of events are over very quickly as the looters escape the store with stolen goods, usually to a waiting vehicle. If your store is a target of these thieves, do the following:

  1. Call 911 immediately, advising them what is going on, where it is happening and the building address that will provide access closest to your location.
  2. Contact the [Property Name] Security Center and advise them of the situation and that you have called 911.
  3. The number of the [Property Name] Security Center is: 000 000 0000.
  4. Do not activate a fire alarm. This could cause panic and confusion, and possibly injure others as the perpetrators attempt to flee the building.
  5. Instruct your employees and customers to go to the back of the store and remain there during the incident. Also instruct them to remain quiet and stay out of view of the perpetrators if possible. They should hide in offices, storage areas or behind equipment or cabinets if possible.
  6. The thieves have little fear of apprehension during their looting because they grab the items and run out quickly before law enforcement can arrive. The quicker you contact law enforcement, the better their chances to respond and apprehend the looters.
  7. Contact the property management office and advise them of the incident so security can also be dispatched to your location. Follow any instructions received from the property manager or building security if present. Because these incidents are of such short duration, it is possible that security will not arrive until the looters have left your store.
  8. Do not attempt to stop or interfere with the individuals who are looting, stealing, or causing damage. It is possible that one or more may be armed and interfering may be dangerous and life threatening. They may also use chemical irritants or pepper spray against anyone interfering.
  9. Remain away from the perpetrators and do not place yourself between them and the exit to your store. Do not attempt to block their escape, as this may be very dangerous insomuch as they may be armed with weapons.
  10. The priority during an incident of this type is self, employee, and customer safety. Intervention should be left up to security and law enforcement.
  11. Observe details about the individuals involved regarding the number of individuals, clothing, gender, race and significant features and other indicators that may help identify them to law enforcement.
  12. While recording the incident on a mobile device may be tempting, it may also endanger you if detected and could result in injury if the perpetrators attempt to take your device. Do not place yourself in danger by attempting to record the incident on your mobile device.
  13. Make a note in which direction the group has left the building. Advise security and law enforcement as soon as they arrive. It is possible the looters may split up and exit the building in different directions.
  14. Following the event, if your store has video surveillance equipment, preserve any security video or tapes, making them available to law enforcement and for use in prosecuting the individuals involved.
  15. Contact your corporate office or regional manager and advise them about what has occurred.
  16. Close your store while law enforcement interviews your employees and customers and gathers evidence about the looting incident.
  17. Reopen only after law enforcement and building managers have indicated you can do so.

If you observe another retailer being looted or robbed

If your store is open and you observe a grab & run or smash & grab incident happening at another store adjacent or across a common area from yours, do this:

  1. Lock the doors to your store.
  2. Call 911 immediately, advising them what is going on, where it is happening and the building access point closest to the location of the other store.
  3. Contact the [Property Name] Security Center and advise them of the situation and that you have called 911.
  4. The number of the [Property Name] Security Center is: 000 000 0000.
  5. Instruct your employees and customers to move to the back of your store, and remain in that location until the incident is over and law enforcement has indicated that the area is secure.
  6. If your location was damaged, re: broken glass or similar damage, advise building management so they can assist in securing your facility.
  7. Reopen for business only after law enforcement and building managers have indicated you can do so.