If Person is Not Breathing

A Medical Emergency can be a life-threatening event. Immediate action is required. As soon as a medical emergency incident is observed, take the following steps:

  1. Call 911 immediately and describe what the condition of the individual(s), and the number involved. Give them the exact location of the emergency and the building address that will provide them access closest to the individual experiencing medical distress.
  2. Contact the [Property Name] Security Center and advise them of the situation and that you have called 911.
  3. The number of the [Property Name] Security Center is: 000 000 0000.
  4. Follow the directions of the 911 dispatcher, who may ask you to remain on the line until the first responders arrive. Answer questions from the dispatcher to the best of your knowledge.
  5. If the medical emergency appears to be an individual in cardiac arrest i.e., not breathing, no pulse and is unresponsive, and you or anyone nearby is trained in CPR, begin performing it immediately. Continue CPR until the first responders arrive and assume care of the individual
  6. If an Automatic Defibrillator ("AED"), unit is nearby, have someone bring it and assist in applying the use of the device on the individual. Each device has simple instructions for use.
  7. See the floor plan below for location of the "AED" units near your workspace.
  8. View the videos using the links below, which show use of the "AED" units available so you will be familiar with their use.
  9. If an Automatic Defibrillator is not available, continue to perform CPR until first responders relieve you and implement their procedures. Do not discontinue the use of CPR. Continued use of CPR could be critical in the saving of a person's life.

If Medical Emergency is a Result of an Injury

If an injury of some sort has caused the medical emergency, such as a fall or a severe wound with bleeding, take the following actions:

  1. Call 911 and advise them as to the nature of the incident. Stay on the line with the emergency dispatcher, if possible.
  2. Provide the 911 dispatcher with the building address that will provide the first responders with access to the building that is nearest the location of the victim/incident.
  3. Contact the [Property Name] Security Center and advise them of the situation and that you have called 911.
  4. The number of the [Property Name] Security Center is: 000 000 0000.
  5. Do not move the victim of a fall and keep them immobilized.
  6. If there are broken bones, do not move the victim or attempt to change the position of their limbs, as further injury could result.
  7. Render First Aid if you have knowledge of what actions to take.
  8. If the victim is bleeding, apply direct and firm pressure on the wound to stop or curtail the bleeding. Maintain the pressure on the wound until first responders arrive.
  9. If the victim is not breathing, start CPR immediately.
  10. Once CPR is started, do not stop. Continue CPR until First Responders arrive on scene.
  11. It is important that you take aggressive action to help save the person's life.
  12. First Responders typically arrive quickly and will assume responsibility for the care and life-support for the individual.

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Follow this guide for CPR if needed