If You Smell or See Smoke

If you smell or see smoke and cannot immediately determine its source, immediately do the following:

  1. Activate the nearest fire alarm.
  2. Call 911 immediately, advising them of your location, what you are observing and provide the address of the nearest access point of the building for your location.
  3. The "CALL 911" button at the top of each screen will dial "911" on your mobile device.
  4. Contact the [Property Name] Security Center and advise them of the situation and that you have called 911.
  5. The number of the [Property Name] Security Center is: 000 000 0000.
  6. Instruct your employees and customers to exit your premises and proceed to the pre-designated assembly area, or the area designated by the property manager’s office.
  7. If safe to do so, remain nearby to direct the building’s fire emergency staff to the location from which the smoke was observed.
  8. Building staff will assist the first responders upon their arrival to identify source or location of the smoke or the suspected source.
  9. Standby in a safe area and remain out of harm’s way as the fire emergency crews determine the source and take action to suppress any fires.

Fires Inside Your Workplace

Fires inside your workspace are likely to begin as small fires but could quickly engulf the area.  If a fire occurs in your workspace, take the following actions:

  1. If the fire is small and can be quickly extinguished, take immediate action to attempt to suppress or control the fire from spreading.
  2. Use the nearest fire extinguisher using the “PASS” method to suppress the flames. See the graphic and video links below for information regarding the use of hand-held extinguishers for small fires in your workplace.
  3. If efforts to suppress the fire are not successful, immediately evacuate the area and close, DO NOT lock, any doors to contain the fire. Do not take any further action to extinguish the fire.
  4. Activate the nearest fire alarm.
  5. Call 911 immediately.
  6. The "CALL 911" button at the top of each screen will dial "911" on your mobile device.
  7. Advise the 911 dispatcher with the name of your store, its location within the complex, any other conditions about the fire. Also provide them with the building address/entrance which is closest to the location of the fire.
  8. Follow the instructions of the 911 dispatcher.
  9. Contact the [Property Name] Security Center and advise them of the situation and that you have called 911.
  10. The number of the [Property Name] Security Center is: 000 000 0000.
  11. Evacuate your staff and customers to a safe location, or to where you have been instructed to assemble. If you have a pre-designated location for this emergency, everyone should proceed to that location.
  12. Standby to point building staff/first responders to the location of the fire.
  13. Assist the building’s fire emergency staff as best possible.
  14. Stay out of harm’s way during firefighting operations and proceed to an area of safety until the fire department/building management has determined it is safe for you to return to your workspace.

Fires Outside of Your Workplace

When a fire occurs outside of your workspace, the following events will likely occur:

  1. The building’s fire alarm will sound.
  2. The FLSD and building staff will respond to this alarm and go to the area of the building where the alarm was initiated and assess the situation.
  3. If required, emergency responders will be notified and would likely arrive on-scene within a short period of time to address the fire emergency.
  4. The FLSD will make announcements with instructions to building tenants and those in the retail and public spaces.
  5. The FLSD's announcements may contain instructions to:
    1. "Shelter-in-Place"
    2. Evacuate the building to the Outside Assembly Area, or any other location specified by the FLSD.
  6. Whichever instruction is issued by the FLSD, follow them as directed.
  7. Instruct your employees and customers to also follow the instructions.
  8. Do not re-enter the building unless an "ll-Clear"instruction has been issued by the FLSD or the emergency responders indicate that the building is safe for re-entry.

The locations of fire extinguishers, fire pull boxes and emergency exits can be found on the Fire Exit Plan located in your workplace.

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