A Civil Disturbance or Protest can be peaceful or violent, bordering on conditions such as a “riot” or other violent event.  A peaceful protest can quickly turn into a violent event with rioting and looting.

When such incidents are taking place near your building, the FLSD will likely be aware and will begin issuing instructions:

  1. The initial announcement will identify the area of the possible civil disturbance or protest incident and advise all occupants to stay away from and/or avoid going near that location, or that side of the building/complex.
  2. The FLSD may order the building to be secured, which would mean that access to and exiting from the building could be restricted at all egress points.
  3. The FLSD may also direct that all building occupants, including those in the retail locations, either:
  4. If a civil disturbance or protest is occurring near your location, you should cease conducting business and secure your store/workspace.
  5. Prior to securing your premises, give the customers an opportunity to leave or remain at your location, and advise them if they do exit they will not be able to return.
  6. After all customers have exited, lock all access doors, and turn off the lights.
  7. Do not activate a fire alarm.
  8. If the fire alarm is sounding, do not immediately evacuate the building. This could be a false alarm initiated by one of the individuals participating in the civil disturbance or protest.
  9. Temporarily shelter at the back of the store, out of sight from the front area, if possible.
  10. Evacuate only if the FLSD has made an announcement directing you and your customers to do so.
  11. Gather personal possessions in the event a relocation or evacuation order is issued. It is likely that you will not be able to access the building immediately after the incident threat is mitigated by law enforcement.
  12. In the event a protest turns violent, which could involve rioting and looting, remain in the back of your facility.
  13. If there is a break-in, which would likely include theft of goods. Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to stop the looters. It is likely that you will be out-numbered and helpless to prevent their violent actions and looting. Therefore, do not risk injury to yourself or employees by trying to stop or interfere with the lawless conduct taking place.
  14. If a break-in occurs and looting begins, call 911 immediately and identify yourself, your retail location, and what is occurring, and the nearest access point of the building/complex to your location.
  15. Contact the [Property Name] Security Center and advise them of the situation and that you have called 911.
  16. The number of the [Property Name] Security Center is: 000 000 0000.
  17. Remain in your facility as noted above, unless otherwise instructed by the FLSD or the property management office to relocate elsewhere.
  18. When the threat to your building is over, the FLSD will issue an “All-Clear” announcement, at which time, you may resume normal business operations.
  19. During and after the event, observe your Company's policies unless they conflict with the directions of the FLSD, whose instructions and commands which shall take precedence over any other existing directions. The FLSD is the on-scene authority under whose directions and instructions govern your action during this type of incident.